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Welcome to the official online store of Geox. Shop shoes and clothing made in high-tech material and style.
calzado de señora y caballero — establecimientos

Welcome to our website https://www.geox.com ("Website"). Please read our Privacy Policy carefully. This Privacy Policy applies when you visit or browse our web site without purchasing any product, when you register with https://www.geox.com, and when you use our services for purchasing products. If you haven't already done so, please also read the General Terms and Condition of Use of https://www.geox.com, which contain information on privacy as well as on the security systems used by the web site.
The website www.geox.com is managed by The Level Group S. r. l. ("TLG"), an Italian company with its registered office in Italy at Piazza Arcole 4, 20143, Milan, business register number, tax code and VAT number 07234250962.
TLG controls the use of www.geox.com users' personal data together with Geox S. p. A. ("Geox" - ADDRESS: Via Feltrina Centro, 16 - 31044 Biadene di Montebelluna - Treviso (Italy) - tax code and VAT number 03348440268) - (jointly referred to as "TLG and Geox").
1. Our Policy
Everyone has the right to protection of his/her personal data. TLG and Geox respect its users' right to be informed regarding the collection of and other operations involving their personal data. In using data that may directly or indirectly identify you personally, we will apply a principle of strict necessity. For this reason, we have designed www.geox.com in such a way that the use of your personal data will be kept to a minimum and will not exceed the purposes for which your personal data was collected and/or processed; we do not process your personal data when we can provide you with services through the use of anonymous data (such as marketing research made for improving our services) or by other means which allow TLG and Geox to identify you, apart from when it is strictly necessary or upon request by competent public authorities or the police (for example, in case of traffic data or your IP address).
TLG and Geox determine the purposes and means for processing your personal data, including security measures, as TLG and Geox control www.geox.com users' personal data.
This Privacy Policy provides you with all information needed to understand how we collect data which may identify www.geox.com's users. For further information on our Privacy Policy, please contact us at, or at The Level Group, Piazza Arcole 4, 20143, Milano, Italy.
2. Who Processes Your Personal Data
TLG and Geox control the use of www.geox.com users' personal data; TLG and Geox autonomously determine the purposes and means of processing personal data and the instruments used, including those for security measures. Due to organizational and operational purposes only, we have appointed certain entities that will also process personal data belonging to www.geox.com's users for purposes strictly connected to the performance of services on www.geox.com, including the sale of products.
The above mentioned processors have been chosen by TLG and Geox because of their experience in processing personal data and they provide sufficient guarantees regarding compliance with data processing laws (including the technical security measures governing the processing to be carried out). In processing the personal data of www.geox.com's users, the processors shall act only on instructions from TLG and Geox. We regularly check that our processors comply with our instructions and that they continue to provide sufficient guarantees regarding their full compliance with the provisions on personal data processing.
Aside from the companies appointed for personal data processing, your information will be made available also to third parties, autonomous controllers, for purposes related to supplying services requested by user (for example, for purchase transactions). For more information on the matter, see section 5 (To Whom Your Personal Data Will Be Disclosed).
Please contact our or send us an e-mail at, in order to receive a full list of data processors.
3. How We Use Personal Data and for What Purposes
Your personal data are collected and processed by TLG and Geox for purposes which are strictly connected use of the Website, its services and to purchase products on www.geox.com. However, your personal data may also be used for other processing operations within the limits of such purposes.
In particular, your personal data shall be processed for the following purposes:
A. when you register with our website we collect your personal data (for example, your personal details, password, e-mail address, gender) through the registration form (My Account) in order to provide you with services in www.geox.com’s reserved access areas and to send you our Newsletter, when specifically requested;
B. when you require assistance from our Customer Service area, we collect your personal data (for example, your name and surnames, e-mail address and password) for purposes strictly necessary to providing you with services related to www.geox.com and to the purchase of products on www.geox.com;
C. when you execute purchasing procedures for products sold on www.geox.com, we collect your personal data (such as personal details, e-mail address, address, Credit Card numbers, bank code, tax code and telephone number) on your order form only for the purpose of selling the products ordered by you;
D. when you require technical assistance, we collect your personal data in order to provide you with information on browsing, browser compatibility and viewing or loading www.geox.com web pages;
E. when creating a Wish List, we process your personal data in order to customize our services for the purchase of products on www.geox.com.
Your personal data is mostly processed by electronic means and in some circumstances by paper-based means, such as when the processing of your personal data is required for preventing fraud on www.geox.com. Your personal data shall be stored in a way which allows TLG and Geox to identify you for the period necessary for the purposes which the data was collected for and subsequently processed and, in any case, in accordance with applicable law. Please report any modification of your personal data to, in order to ensure that your personal information is always accurate and up-to-date, relevant and complete.
Your personal data may only be disclosed to third parties when it is necessary for processing an order. Moreover, your data may be disclosed to the police or to judicial authorities, according to law and upon a formal request by such entities, for example in the event TLG and Geox need to prevent fraud on www.geox.com (anti-fraud services).
Data processors will also have access to your personal data as stated in section 2 for the specific purposes stated therein. In all the above circumstances, your consent for data processing is not required. Your personal data will not be transferred abroad to non-EU countries that do not ensure an adequate level of protection of individuals. Should this be necessary in order to supply services or to execute a contract for the purchase of products, your personal data shall be transferred to such non-EU countries only after the execution of specific contracts between TLG and Geox, and such entities in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
We wish to inform you that TLG and Geox shall process its users' personal data for purposes that are strictly connected to the supply of services on www.geox.com, execution of contracts related to the sale and purchase of products on www.geox.com and, after receiving your consent, to send you information on new commercial initiatives which are strictly connected to the web site's activities and services.
TLG and Geox shall process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, including by e-mail, only after receiving your consent. TLG and Geox may have access to third parties' personal data which was directly disclosed by their users, for example when a user bought a product to be sent to a friend, when the user paying for the product is different from the recipient of the product, or when a user wishes to recommend to a friend a service of www.geox.com or the sale of a particular product.
In all of the above cases, please make sure you receive the consent of such individuals before disclosing their personal data to TLG and Geox and make sure you inform them about this Privacy Policy; you will be the only person liable in connection with the disclosure of information and data regarding such third parties if they have not provided you with their express consent for it and for any improper and unlawful use of that information. In any event, TLG shall fulfill any obligation to inform third parties required by law and, when necessary, shall request their express consent upon registering in its archives the personal information of the user indicated.
4. What Happens if You Do Not Disclose Your Personal Data to TLG and Geox
Granting your personal data to TLG and Geox (in particular, your personal details, your e-mail address, your address, your Credit/Debit Card numbers and bank code and your telephone number) is necessary for processing your order for the purchase of products on www.geox.com, supplying other services provided on the web site upon your request, or when your personal information is needed to fulfill obligations required by law or regulations.
The refusal to provide TLG and Geox with some of your personal data necessary for performing the above purposes may consequently prevent TLG and Geox from processing your order for the purchase of products sold on www.geox.com or from supplying other services provided on www.geox.com, such as Customer Care services, sending the Newsletter, using the Wish List or fulfilling obligations required by law and other regulations. Therefore, failing to provide data may constitute, in some cases, a legitimate and justified reason for not processing your order for the purchase of products sold on www.geox.com or not providing www.geox.com’s services.
Disclosure of further personal data to TLG and Geox other than that required for fulfilling legal or contractual obligations or for providing the services requested, is, on the contrary, optional and does not have any effect on the use of the web site and of its services or on the purchase of products on www.geox.com.
In some circumstances and if required, from time to time we will duly inform you if the personal data you are disclosing to TLG and Geox is compulsory or optional. We will point out to you whether the disclosure of your data is compulsory or optional by marking with an appropriate symbol (*) the information that is compulsory or data needed for providing the required services on www.geox.com and for the purchase of products on www.geox.com. Failing to provide optional personal data will not imply any obligation or disadvantage to our users.
5. To Whom Your Personal Data Will Be Disclosed
Personal data will be disclosed to third party companies that provide, on behalf of TLG and Geox, specific services as data processors or to other recipients of personal data collected by TLG and Geox that autonomously process your personal data only for the performance of a contract for purchasing products on www.geox.com and only when such purpose does not exceed the purposes for which your personal data was collected and subsequently processed and, in any case, according to applicable laws and regulations.
Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties or disseminated or transferred without informing our users of such disclosure/dissemination/transfer, without their consent and, in any case, in accordance with the law.
6. How We Collect Your Data on www.geox.com
When you are using www.geox.com, some personal data might be collected automatically (through "cookies"), for example, when we automatically collect users' IP addresses and other information regarding the users' data traffic or the users' preferences in the choice of services provided on this web site and of the products purchased through the provided services. This information and data are collected directly and automatically by the web site as part of its operational functions. This information and data are then processed in a collective and anonymous way for commercial purposes in order to optimize the services provided on www.geox.com for the needs and preferences of the web site's users.
In other circumstances, TLG and Geox directly collect personal data and information from its users when they register online with www.geox.com or when they send purchase orders of products sold on the web site in order to finalize e-commerce transactions. TLG and Geox will process such data only for the purposes and within the limits of what is stated in the section regarding data collection and may be disclosed to third parties only for the purposes related to providing the services requested by the user.
7. Security Measures
We have adopted security measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against all other reasons for data processing that do not comply with our Privacy Policy. Nevertheless, TLG and Geox cannot guarantee that the security measures adopted for the protection of the web site and for data and information transmission on www.geox.com will prevent or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or of loss of data.
It is advisable that your computer be provided with software devices that protect network data transmission/receipt (such as updated antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider take appropriate measures for the security of network data transmission (such as, for example, firewalls and anti-spam filtering).
8. Cookies
geox.com uses automatic systems of data collection, such as cookies. A cookie is a device transmitted to the hard disk of an Internet user; it does not contain intelligible information but it allows linking between an Internet user to his/her personal information provided by the user on www.geox.com. Cookies are disseminated by our servers, and no one may gain access to the information contained therein. Only TLG and Geox process information collected by cookies, in a collective and anonymous way, in order to optimize its services and its web site for the needs and preferences of its users. We have provided cookies in connection to functions such as selecting the country, browsing the catalogue, purchasing products online and in general in connection with the provision of services reserved to registered customers. As you know, each Internet browser allows the deletion of cookies after each session. Your Internet browser contains instructions on these deletion procedures. Please access the information on your Internet browser if you wish to delete cookies. The acceptance of automatic data collection procedures and the use of cookies are necessary for using the web site and its services, including the purchase of products. If you have started the procedure of deleting cookies, TLG and Geox cannot ensure that all web pages of www.geox.com will be displayed or that certain services will be supplied such as, for example, storage or display on the web pages of products you chose when you were finalizing the online purchase processes.
9. Opt-in/Opt out
TLG and Geox process your personal data only after receiving your consent, freely expressed, in order to send you advertising material and direct marketing or other commercial communications, including by e-mail, which do not fall within customer requested services provided by www.geox.com. Each time your consent is required, we will inform you in advance and we will give you the option to either provide or refuse your consent for the use of your personal data, including your e-mail address, for the above purposes, by ticking the appropriate boxes.
We wish to inform you that TLG and www.geox.com may process your personal data also without your consent in certain circumstances provided by law, such as when such processing is necessary for performing a legal obligation to which TLG and www.geox.com are subject or when such processing is necessary for performing obligations undertaken in contracts with the users (such as, for example, if you purchased products on www.geox.com or if you asked to use specific services through our web site).
In any case, we wish to inform you that TLG and Geox guarantee that its users may exercise, at any time and without having to state their reasoning, their right not to receive future communications connected to particular services upon request.
10. Your Right to Access Personal Data and Further Rights
You are entitled to obtain, at any time, confirmation from TLG and Geox as to whether or not data relating to you is being processed, whether the data is not yet registered, and the communication in intelligible form of the data undergoing processing.
Moreover, you are entitled to receive from TLG and Geox information on the source of your personal data; the purposes and way of processing your personal data; the logic involved in any electronic data processing; details of the data controller and of the data processors; the names of the entities and categories of entities to whom your personal data may be disclosed or who may access your personal data, for example, as a data controller or a party so appointed.
pursuant to art. 30 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003
“Personal Data Protection Code”
About us: Geox Retail S. r. l, with registered office in Biadene di Montebelluna (TV), Via Feltrina Centro no. 16 and The Level Group S. r. l, with registered office in Milan, Piazza Arcole 4, 20143 (hereafter referred to as the “Companies”), are the companies that manage the website www.geox.com (hereafter the “Site”).
In their capacity as Data Controllers, the Companies will process your personal data and pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, the Personal Data Protection Code (hereafter referred to as the “Code”), hereby provide you with the following information.
Purpose of data processing: The personal data provided by filling in this electronic form shall be processed in order to keep you updated on our products, services and initiatives via our Newsletter.
Your consent is required: The processing of your personal data for the purpose stated above requires your specific consent pursuant to art. 130 of the Code.
Data processing methods: The data shall be processed in an electronic format, so as to guarantee its security and confidentiality, for the time strictly necessary to pursue the purpose stated above.
Scope of communication: The data shall not be communicated to third parties, and may be handled by the operators and managers of the General Services Management at Geox Retail S. r. l. and the Office of The Level Group S. r. l, as well as the companies responsible for the technical management of our site in their capacity as external Data Processors.
Your rights: By sending notification to Geox Retail S. r. l, at the registered offices in Biadene di Montebelluna (TV), Via Feltrina Centro no. 16 or sending an e-mail to privacy@geox.com, you are entitled at any time to exercise the rights pursuant to art. 7 of the Code in respect of the Company, including by way of example, the right to 1) obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you exists; 2) obtain: a) information on the origin of the personal data, the purposes and methods of the processing, the logic applied in the case of processing with the aid of electronic tools, the identity details of the Data Controller or Data Managers and of the parties or categories of parties to which the personal data may be communicated or which could gain knowledge of the data in their capacity as processors or appointed parties; the updating or correction of the data or, when opportune, additions made to the same; b) the cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in breach of the law, including those where storage is not necessary for the purposes for which the data were acquired or successively processed; 3) oppose, entirely or in part, the processing of personal data pertinent to you, for the purpose of forwarding advertising material or material for direct sales or for market research or for commercial communications.
Data Controller and Data Processor:The Data Controllers are Geox Retail S. r. l, at the registered offices in Biadene di Montebelluna (TV), Via Feltrina Centro no. 16, and The Level Group S. r. l, with registered offices in Milan, Piazza Arcole 4, 20143.
The internal Data Processor at Geox Retail S. r. l. was appointed in the person of the pro tempore head of General Services Management, whose name, together with the updated list of the other processors, is available upon request sent to the addresses stated above.

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 Dirección: Av. Concha Espina, 1
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