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Arcelormittal Madrid

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ArcelorMittal is the world's leading integrated steel and mining company. Guided by a philosophy to produce safe, sustainable steel, it is the leading supplier of quality steel products in all major markets including automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging.

million gain on disposal of Kuzbass coal mines in Russia (Mining)
Appendix 6: Terms and definitions
Unless indicated otherwise, or the context otherwise requires, references in this earnings release report to the following terms have the meanings set out next to them below:
-LTIF: Lost time injury frequency rate equals lost time injuries per 1, 000, 000 worked hours, based on own personnel and contractors.
-EBITDA: operating income plus depreciation, impairment expenses and exceptional items- -Free cash flow: net cash provided by operating activities less purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles.
-Net debt: long-term debt, plus short term debt, less cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash and short-term investments (including those held as part of assets/liabilities held for sale).
-Market priced tonnes: represent amounts of iron ore and coal from ArcelorMittal mines that could be sold to third parties on the open market. Market priced tonnes that are not sold to third parties are transferred from the Mining segment to the Company’s steel producing segments and reported at the prevailing market price. Shipments of raw materials that do not constitute market priced tonnes are transferred internally and reported on a cost-plus basis.
-Foreign exchange and other net financing costs: include foreign currency swaps, bank fees, interest on pensions, impairments of financial instruments and revaluation of derivative instruments, and other charges that cannot be directly linked to operating results- -Average steel selling prices: calculated as steel sales divided by steel shipments.
-Mining segment sales: i) “External sales”: mined product sold to third parties at market price; ii) “Market-priced tonnes”: internal sales of mined product to ArcelorMittal facilities and reported at prevailing market prices; iii) “Cost-plus tonnes” - internal sales of mined product to ArcelorMittal facilities on a cost-plus basis. The determinant of whether internal sales are reported at market price or cost-plus is whether the raw material could practically be sold to third parties (i. e. there is a potential market for the product and logistics exist to access that market)- -Rotation days: days of accounts receivable plus days of inventory minus days of accounts payable. Days of accounts payable and inventory are a function of cost of goods sold of the quarter on an annualized basis. Days of accounts receivable are a function of sales of the quarter on an annualized basis.
-Operating working capital: trade accounts receivable plus inventories less trade accounts payable.
-Capex: includes the acquisition of intangible assets (such as concessions for mining and IT support) and includes payments to fixed asset suppliers.
-Seaborne iron ore reference prices: refers to iron ore prices for 62% Fe CFR China.
-Own iron ore production: Includes total of all finished production of fines, concentrate, pellets and lumps (excludes share of production and strategic long-term contracts).
-On-going projects: Refer to projects for which construction has begun (excluding various projects that are under development), even if such projects have been placed on hold pending improved operating conditions.
-Shipments information at the Group level was previously based on a simple aggregation, eliminating intra-segment shipments and excluding shipments of the Distribution Solutions segment. The new presentation of shipments information eliminates both inter- and intra–segment shipments which are primarily between Flat/Long plants and Tubular plants and continues to exclude the shipments of Distribution Solutions.
-Liquidity includes back-up lines for the commercial paper program.
Canada’s ArcelorMittal Dofasco is supplying steel for the Toronto 2015 Pan Am / Parapan Am Games’ most iconic symbol - the cauldron.
The cauldron will be made from ten types of steel including hot roll, cold-roll enamelling and tubular, and will weigh around 14 tonnes. The steel is proudly manufactured by more than 5, 000 employees of ArcelorMittal Dofasco in Hamilton. A second cauldron will also be produced as a legacy for the City of Hamilton.
Announcing the news on November 14 at a media event in the company’s main office, ArcelorMittal Dofasco was also named a partner and official supplier of the Games.
"ArcelorMittal Dofasco steel will used be to create this ultimate symbol of the Games, which will showcase athletic excellence and national pride, while creating a lasting legacy for host communities and the province of Ontario, " said Sean Donnelly, president and chief executive officer, ArcelorMittal Dofasco. "The cauldron will represent Canada and the many nations and communities coming together to transform tomorrow through sport. "
Hundreds of millions of households across the Americas are expected to watch as the cauldron is lit for the first time on July 10, to officially open the Pan Am Games. It will be lit a second time on August 7 to welcome the best Parapan athletes in the region to the Games. The lit cauldron will also open and close daily television broadcasts.
"A cauldron is one of the most visible symbols at an international Games. It expresses the unique nature and pride of the host city and host country, while providing an arresting image that captures the spirit of the athletes competing, " explained Saäd Rafi, chief executive officer of the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games organising committee (TO2015).
"We're pleased to welcome ArcelorMittal Dofasco to the TORONTO 2015 Games family. Their long-standing history in Hamilton, innovative work and strong sense of community make them an ideal partner for our Games, " Mr Rafi added.
"Congratulations to both ArcelorMittal Dofasco and TO2015 on this partnership, which will provide the Games cauldron-one of the most recognised symbols of these important Games, " said the Honourable Bal Gosal, Minister of State (Sport). "Our Government is pleased to see ArcelorMittal Dofasco supporting the 2015 Pan and Parapan American Games, as the private sector has an important role to play in Canadian sport, " he added.
The 2015 Pan Am / Parapan Am Games are the first major international Games to be hosted in Ontario since the British Empire Games hosted in Hamilton in 1930.

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 Teléfono:913 300 362
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 Dirección: Av. Princesa Juana de Austria (Ctra. Toledo), KM 9'2
28021, Madrid, Madrid

Más 1 dirección de la empresa en la localidad Madrid ver en el mapa

Arcelormittal Madrid dirección

28021, Av. Princesa Juana de Austria (Ctra. Toledo), KM 9'2
Madrid, Madrid
Tel.: 913 300 362

Arcelormittal Madrid dirección

28021, Ctra. Toledo, KM. 9
Madrid, Madrid
Tel.: 913 300 362

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Arcelormittal Madrid en otras provincias:

Avilés (Asturias)
Viladecans (Barcelona)
Zumarraga (Guipúzcoa)
Madrid (2)
Sestao (Vizcaya)

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servicios industriales, fundiciones, siderurgia
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