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An individual investor, also known as a retail client, is a client organisation or individual who cannot meet both:
(i) one or more of the professional client criteria laid down in Annex II to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2004/39/EC); and
(ii) one or more of the qualified investor criteria set out in Article 2 of the Prospectus Directive (Directive 2003/71/EC).
On this website, Intermediaries are investors that qualify as both a Professional Client and a Qualified Investor.
In summary a person who can both be classified as a professional client under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and a qualified investor in accordance with the Prospectus Directive will generally need to meet one or more of the following requirements:
(1) An entity required to be authorised or regulated to operate in the financial markets. The following list includes all authorised entities carrying out the characteristic activities of the entities mentioned, whether authorised by an EEA State or a third country and whether or not authorised by reference to a directive:
We’re starting 2025 with a pro-risk stance but keep an eye on three key investment risks to our view. Watch Wei Li, Glob. more. Torre Picasso, Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Tetuán, (Tetuán)28020, Madrid, Madrid Empresas similares en Madrid
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